
Unlock the Power of Automated Implicit Brand Insights

Implicitly track your brand's strength. Upload brand content and then receive quarterly insights reports based on up-to-date real consumer data collected for your brand.

What is ReactorExpress?
ReactorExpress is a fully automated subscription service that enables brand stakeholders to track their brands strength and gain insight into their brands implicit connection to consumers within their market landscape. With ReactorExpress you can tap into update-to-date insights gathered weekly from real consumers using CloudArmy’s Reactor Implicit Testing platform.
ReactorExpress is a fully automated subscription service that enables brand stakeholders to track their brands strength and gain insight into their brands implicit connection to consumers within their market landscape. With ReactorExpress you can tap into update-to-date insights gathered weekly from real consumers using CloudArmy’s Reactor Implicit Testing platform.
Reactor Express tests go beyond regular surveys and add in behavioural insights via reaction-time measures. They are also more fun and engaging for participants to take, helping to keep them more focused and engaged. They capture consumers intuitive quick gut reactions to your brain. These types of tests are better at capturing real world behaviour and don’t rely on consumers over rationalized responses.
Reactor Express tests go beyond regular surveys and add in behavioural insights via reaction-time measures. They are also more fun and engaging for participants to take, helping to keep them more focused and engaged. They capture consumers intuitive quick gut reactions to your brain. These types of tests are better at capturing real world behaviour and don’t rely on consumers over rationalized responses.
Good Science
We use proven multi-model test designs that incorporate the best combination of implicit reaction time techniques.
Growing Suite of Options
Reactor Express is a delivery platform for a growing array of automated brand insights. Grow your brand with ReactorExpress.
Fully Automated Contactless Delivery
ReactorExpress automates the ordering and delivery of insights at scale.
New Online Portal
Get secure access to your insights 24/7 with the Reactor Express web portal.
Online Tests
We use a network of online recruiting partners to conduct live tests in over 40 markets worldwide. With ReactorExpress you get continuous access to real consumers’ responses.
How It Works
Sign Up
Use your email to sign-up to our secure portal. Once you submit your sign-up we will send you a confirmation email. You must click the confirmation to activate your account.
Add Your Content
We will then prep your content for testing. You can watch the portal activity panel to see the status of your test. Our team will contact you if we need clarification or to make refinements to the content. As you learn more about your brand and content you can add new content and/or updates to see if they perform better and work to grow your brand.
See the Results
As new test results for your content and sector become available we will send you notifications with links to results reports. Our focus is on actionable insights that enable you to track your progress within the landscape of your competitors.
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