green bread with nanosalad name on it

The Results Are In – Do Experts Always Know Best?

Ogivly’s Nudgestock event enabled us to showcase how Behavioural Science and Consumer Neuroscience can work together to optimise creativity. The Behavioural Science Creative Workshop allowed us to demonstrate that by immersing science within the creative process, you can identify deep insights into perceptual response and behaviours, at the non-conscious level, which of course is where purchasing decisions are often made. 

The first challenge was to provide the Ogilvy team with neuro-insights,to better understand current brand perceptions and consumer motivations, for the innovative US product, NanoSalad. Neuro best practices and additional provocations could then be used to further shape and refine interventions to boost the purchase and habitual use of the product. The implicit emotional appeal of messaging, packaging, the use of specific colour hues, textural triggers as well as nutritional, health and well being signals were all explored.

So what were the findings? What is the effect of a specific hue of green on the implicit association with the product? How does a tagline affect your buyers?

The global Nudgestock audience were able to provide their own creative ideas for ‘NanoSalad’, which then informed the final critical nudge interventions. Further neuro-testing was conducted on these final interventions to help evaluate and optimize the nudges for final concepts.   

What were the results? Did the Nudgestock audience of Behavioural Science enthusiasts and marketers interventions resonate with that of the consumer? Do experts always know best?